Science Nature Beauty

From Extreme to Mainstream: Enhancing Minimally Invasive Beauty with Pre- and Post-Treatment Skincare

Beauty has been an eternal theme throughout the history of humanity. We are increasingly focused on our appearance and hope to stay young, beautiful and healthy as we age. Lasers, baby-botox, fillers,…

Welcome to our CLR

Take a deep dive into skincare with us, ask our experts and discover the basics of skin and active ingredients, let yourself be inspired by current consumer and market analysis and learn more about the cornerstones of CLR and about what we care…

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Ingredient Claims

Making efficacy claims on cosmetic products helps to set them apart from others. Promising the consumer that using cosmetic product X will lead to important effects on their skin or hair has…

The empowered beauty consumer

Beauty trends are constantly changing. Skincare is booming and every other day there is a new hype around a certain brand, ingredient or look. But it’s not only the trends which are…

Claiming probiotic and postbiotic. What’s in a name?

The personal care industry is seeing a large movement in claims related to microbes. The skin microbiome is a large focus for many brands, but hard to communicate about in an appealing…

Self-Care – scientific solutions to an emotional need

Health is a great good. The global Covid-19 pandemic made us more than aware of this, but even before the pandemic, health was already a focus for many consumers. Much more than…

Zooming out and in on skin aging

Working in the personal care industry, it is easy to comprehend that there are countless aspects to the aging of skin. The anti-aging segment is and will continue to be the most…

Social Media – an opportunity to connect with consumers

Smartphones and social media have become indispensable today. Both have profoundly changed the way we behave, how we see ourselves and how we look. Digital photography has made it possible for us…