When do we begin to feel old? As a child we can hardly wait to be grown up, when we are adults aging happens to us almost imperceptibly and seemingly ever faster. Aging is a natural process we all go through, this applies also to the menopause when women experience many changes in hormone levels, skin condition, and how they (and others) see themselves. The menopause has long been considered in biological and medical contexts only. More than this, however, self-perception plays an important role.
Interestingly, although our brains tell us this will happen, 46% of women do not feel prepared for menopause and more than 44% of women globally are unaware of perimenopause until they start to have symptoms, as found in a study with women between 45-65 years conducted by Avon. On the one hand, this may be an indication that we usually tend to feel younger than our biological ages, on the other, it may also refer to a general reluctance to deal with this issue.
Menopause is a Process
Menopause is a process that generally starts in the mid-40s with perimenopause, which also represents a point in time often perceived as a transition phase in one’s personal life, since children may have grown up and left home, and major professional opportunities tend to become fewer.
The perimenopausal stage can take up to ten years before entering menopause. During perimenopause oestrogen fluctuations may cause symptoms such as hot flashes, insomnia and mood changes. What we refer to as menopause is the stage that starts after experiencing no periods for 12 straight months. Every day after menopause is considered postmenopause, which lasts for the rest of a woman’s life. The decline in oestrogen means some perimenopausal symptoms may continue, while the risk of osteo-related problems increases.
topSkin Changes during Menopause
Changes in hormone levels have a big impact on our skin as well. Among the most common symptoms of menopausal skin are itchiness, thinning and dryness. In her article “How to clinically Evaluate the Skin Modification caused by Menopause” Anne Charpentier lists following symptoms that may occur due to hormonal deficiency:
– Dryness and thinning of the skin
– Lipid changes
– Alteration of the barrier function
– Age spots and pigmentation disorders
– Loss of complexion radiance
– Face and neck slackening
– Loss of firmness and elasticity
– Vascular disorders
We can see from above that the skin is altered dramatically during the menopause.
Furthermore, alopecia and nail damage are observed more often. Generally speaking in terms of skin condition, our skin becomes dry, withers, and wrinkles and changes of textures are possible. Although the genetic disposition and individual life styles are important as well, it is hardly possible to conceal these signs of time (or of “living”) forever.
We know that skin aging is a result of the accumulation of damage in the skin and the skin cells. At a younger age, the skin is able to deal with the problems by repairing the damage, but, with age, we increasingly lose this ability since our immune capacity is depleted. As a result, our skin becomes more sensitive – what was hidden before now becomes pronounced, leaving skin inflamed, irritated and looking unhealthy. These processes can have a considerable impact on our wellbeing.
topSince we cannot stop the Wheel of Time, what can be done?
Women share their experiences and concerns about their menopausal condition more often nowadays and there is much more social dialogue than there was 20 years ago. The modern, well-educated consumer demands a greater spectrum of personal care products, anti-aging products are definitely not regarded as the only kind of product for their skin care routine.
No woman wants to be labeled merely as “a menopausal woman”. Older women today feel less limited in their way of life than generations before. The “aged consumer” is more interested in well-being at any age; women do not want to be treated as desperately clinging to youth. “Positive”, “pro-“, “healthy” and “well-“ aging instead of “anti-aging” concepts are therefore gaining more momentum. This new approach represents a more holistic solution which tends to blur the lines between beauty, health and well-being.
Consequently, the personal care industry has discovered the rising demand and offers a variety of life stage-appropriate beauty and wellness products for women in their menopause.
According to a 2020 report released by venture capital firm Female Founders Fund, about one billion women worldwide are expected to be in menopause by 2025. Business opportunities in the range of $600 billion are anticipated by business experts.
CLR meets this trend by offering a variety of customer-oriented products in this field, cosmetic ingredient actives that are especially tailored to the various needs of the skin and with proven efficacy. ProRenew Complex CLR™ supports the skin in regaining its immune capacity, MPC™ – Milk Peptide Complex improves the overall structure of the skin and AnnonaSense CLR™ stabilizes a sustainable homeostasis in skin, reducing skin irritation and making skin less sensitive, to name just three matches (find a complete overview here).